A friend of mine used to commute regularly by train. Her Friday-night train home was affectionate known as the ‘Vomit Comet’ due to the number of inebriated Friday-night drinkers that stumbled onto the last train home, with the obvious consequences.

Living in Kent, I haven’t seen quite as much of that behaviour as she did on her commute out to Essex. But we do have our share of businessmen who’ve had a few too many. Normally I’d barely raise an eyebrow, but this guy was snoring like a freight train. And he’s wearing a rainbow-coloured shirt. And has a perma-tan. And looks just a little bit like Robert Kilroy-Silk, if I’m being ungenerous.

So he’s made my blog.

Vomit Comet

Robert Kilroy-Silk in disguise?

For what it’s worth, he missed his station as well.