Beef goulash

Goulash. What is it about goulash this week?

How often do you see goulash on a menu? Not very often, right? So what are the odds of seeing it three times in a row? That’s right. It was cold and rainy on Wednesday night, so I decided to make a pot of goulash for dinner — a dish I haven’t eaten or seen on a menu in more than a year. So I was a little surprised to arrive at work the next day to find that the lunch menu featured Hungarian goulash with noodles. Coincidence, right?

That alone would have prompted the odd comment over the lunch table, but wouldn’t earn the anecdote a place on my website. But when I arrived at my hotel that evening, what was the special of the day? Sure enough, Goulash with Sour Cream. That was a coincidence too far.

Seeing a steak on the menu three times in a row — not such a big deal. Every restaurant serves steak, right? But goulash?