Wow, what a day it’s been. I was up at 5am to catch the train to London, where I was supposed to meet with a colleague who was recently working with the same client in Brunei. She had made quite a few contacts within the client, was familiar with their organisation, and was going to spend some time with me to get me up to speed.

So I put on a suit (had to pull off the mothballs, it’s been so long since I’ve worn one!) and trudged up to London. It’s a grey, overcast, miserable day. I was all set to go — the tickets were booked, I had my jabs, I’d done all my background reading. And where do I end up at the end of the day?

Canterbury West Station

That’s right. Right back where I started.

It’s been a busy day, though — I had another appointment in Surrey. Surrey isn’t far from London (about 35 miles) or Canterbury (about 90 miles) but you can’t get directly from one to the other — so it was a case of going into London to come back out again. What should have been a simple journey was a 3+ hour marathon.

In this business, it’s best to have a flexible, relaxed attitude. Consultancy definitely isn’t for those who like to plan well in advance. This (and my aborted Alaskan adventure) just show that, until the contract’s signed, nothing is certain.

I’ve got no idea what’s next for me. But my vacation is only two weeks away, so I’m not worrying too much about it right now!