And finally, one last picture which I snapped today — a very cheeky looking Aude:

Cheeky Aude

We’re having something of an Indian summer here. I thought I had done the last of the yardwork for the season, but the lawn was looking a little shaggy and untidy, so I decided to mow it again in what I hope will be the last time of the season. Still, I really shouldn’t complain — aside from a fairly miserable, rainy August we’ve had a beautiful summer over here. It’s just a shame that the rainy, miserable August happened to coincide with the two weeks I took off between jobs. And now that it’s sunny outside, I’m always stuck in the office!

We’ve got a very quiet weekend planned. Both Aude and I were tired last night, so we escaped across the street for dinner at the Goods Shed, the restaurant in the farmer’s market across the street. Their daily changing menu is sourced from the market, and the food’s normally very good. I discovered their BYOB policy as I was ordering, so I ran across the street to grab a bottle of St. Emilion that had been laying on my shelf for a while. It was a great way to wash down a couple of steaks.

The sunny weather lent itself to a walk, so it was a perfect excuse to take my camera out and snap a few shots to test my new lens (see the other blog posts for the results). Tonight is probably a quiet evening in — although I may get do some industrial-strength cooking as our neighbour has just had surgery, so I thought it would be nice to take something over so she doesn’t have to do any cooking for a few days.

So far, Sunday plans call for sleeping in, doing a little laundry, and not much else. It’s what weekends are all about.

On an unrelated note, I’ve finally had time to upload the pictures from Francois & Gratiane’s Wedding and Joan & Joey’s visit. Check them out if you haven’t seen them already!