It looks like summer is nearly here. I went out yesterday and bought a barbeque grill, which brought a whole new meaning to the words “some assembly required.” I’m guessing that Aude learned a colourful expression or two as I put the grill together. We may complain about having to put together Ikea furniture, but at least the Swedes put some thought into the design of their products. Not so the Chinese, who think that sending 160 unlabelled parts and assembly instructions in Finnish is adequate customer service. Perhaps it’s some sort of Communist joke?

Barbeque Grill

Anyhow, the finished product looks okay. We threw a couple of marinated flank steaks on for lunch with some friends, then did some chicken breasts for a Caesar salad in the evening. It’s nice to have the garden and even nicer to have a barbeque – I’ve been without one for too long. I was beginning to feel like I was losing my masculinity. Nothing says “I’m a man” like industrial-strength tongs and burned meat.

Since we have nice 6’ fences, I decided to let the cats out to explore the garden. It’s the first time they’ve been outside in nine years – so understandably they were a little curious. And spoiled. They refused to leave the concrete, as they didn’t like the feel of the dirt under their paws. Awwww.

Calypso exploring the garden

Daisy exploring the garden